Living with bad posture can be injurious to the health

Posture is basically the position of the body in space, the relationship of the body parts—head, trunk, and limbs—to each other. Changes in posture take place when any part of the body is moved. More so; how one looks and feels is directly related to one’s posture. Despite the importance of having good posture, most of us don’t do anything to improve it. And over time, bad habits lead to fatigue, depression, pain and headaches because we think it’s normal.

Living with bad posture can cost heavily. The muscle and ligament imbalances that result from poor alignment can lead to all sorts of problems viz. Chronic back, neck, and shoulder pain, Foot, knee, hip, and back injuries, Headaches, Stiffness, Fatigue, Muscle atrophy and weakness, Difficulty breathing, Digestion issues, Impingement and nerve compression, Sciatica and Carpal tunnel syndrome.

Poor Posture – How does it happen?

Often, poor posture develops because of accidents or falls. But bad posture can also develop from environmental factors or bad habits. Today, posture-related problems are increasing because we become a society that watches more television than any previous generation and we have become a more electronic society, with more and more people working at sedentary desk jobs or sitting in front of computer terminals.

Tips for keeping good posture lifelong

  1. Keep weight down – excess weight, especially around the middle, pulls on the back, weakening stomach muscles.
  2. Develop a regular program of exercise – regular exercise keeps one flexible and helps tone muscles to support proper posture.
  3. Buy good bedding – a firm mattress will support the spine and help maintain the same shape as a person with good upright posture.
  4. Pay attention to injuries from bumps, falls and jars – injuries in youth may cause growth abnormalities or postural adaptations to the injury or pain that can show up later in life.
  5. Have eyes examined – a vision problem can affect the way one carry oneself as well as cause eyestrain.
  6. Be conscious at working place ergonomics. Invest in an ergonomic chair, keyboard and mouse.
  7. Get up and stretch every half hour or hour, if possible. This will give body a break and allow organs to get the oxygen they need.
  8. Focus on exercises that strengthen core. A strong core will make it much easier for body to remain in an upright position.
  9. Practice yoga.Yoga encourages good posture. A large portion of the poses require keeping shoulders and chest broad, which open the lungs and allows breathing easily.

Posture ranks at the top of the list when we talk about good health. It is as important as eating right, exercising, getting a good night’s sleep and avoiding potentially bad habits. Good posture is a way of doing things with more energy, less stress and fatigue. Without good posture, one cannot really be physically fit.