Yoga for Corporate Wellness

Despite its age and its origins, yoga has a great role to play in modern corporate life as it can be made accessible, enjoyable and of benefit to all within companies, from receptionists through to senior executives.

Today’s corporate working environment is not exactly conducive to a healthy human body and mind , especially the office environment with its EMF, microwave and WiFi radiation, air conditioning, strong overhead lighting, and long hours of desk and computer work. Then there is regular car, train or plane travel and dealing with the associated side effects. Unfortunately all of these are often essential aspects of modern business.

The human body is designed to be outdoors, to run, hunt, and generally pursue demanding physical tasks. Whilst technology has developed at an unprecedented pace over recent years, the human form has not adapted as quickly and common workplace complaints include stiff neck and shoulders, sore necks, low back pain, weak tired wrists and then there are sleep problems, anxiety, depression, worry… the list goes on.
Yoga has an impressive role to play in reducing workplace-related ailments, injuries, and illnesses and regular practice can promote increased health, happiness, concentration, energy, and productivity and even reduce absence levels.

Benefits of yoga in the workplace:

  • Reduced stress levels
  • Strengthened immune system leading to less sickness
  • Lower mental fatigue and improved decision making
  • Increased energy levels and productivity
  • Enhanced concentration and performance
  • Enhanced communication skills and team building
  • Improved morale and work satisfaction
  • Increased physical and mental well-being